About Us

The Louisiana Association of School Executives (LASE) is proud to be celebrating its 4th decade of existence. A professional organization striving to promote strong leadership in Louisiana schools, LASE offers membership to:

  1. Persons who serve in administrative and/or supervisory capacities in the school systems of Louisiana.
  2. Administrators and supervisors in the central offices of school systems in Louisiana.
  3. Heads of administrative divisions and departments of the Louisiana Department of Education.
  4. Administrative officers / professors of school administration in the colleges and universities of Louisiana.
  5. Persons who serve as school counselors.

Annual membership dues are $150 per year and in many cases are payroll deductible. The membership year runs for any twelve consecutive months after an individual joins.

The Louisiana Association of School Executives has as its main purpose:

  1. To provide strong professional leadership in securing optimal educational opportunities for children.
  2. To protect the interests of education in Louisiana and the nation.
  3. To enhance the effectiveness of the school administrator by providing for his/her welfare, enforcing the code of ethics as presented by American Association of School Administrators and providing for a systematic sharing of information and research.

The organizational structure of LASE includes an executive committee, under the leadership of an Executive Director. The executive committee consists of the current president, the president-elect, the past president and one representative from each of the eight districts around the state. The executive committee meets bi-monthly to hear reports from the Executive Director, the organization’s legal counsel, the legislative lobbyists and to consider other organization business.


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